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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
bibic’s Terms and Conditions outline the expectations, responsibilities, and policies for families engaging with bibic’s services. By booking and using our services, you agree to the following:

Consent and Documentation

1.1. Consent and Confirmation Form
All families must return a signed Consent and Confirmation Form within 2 weeks of receiving the documents. Failure to provide this form will result in the cancellation of the assessment.

1.2. GP/School Contact Information
Families must provide contact details for their GP or school. We will only send confirmation of attendance and will not share personal details without explicit permission. This is to ensure transparency between our service and statutory services to then enable us to support you further with external agencies.

Fees and Payment Policies

2.1. Admin Fees
An administration fee will be incurred for any amendment made to a booking by parents/ carers or young people. This will be either £30 or £50 according to which assessment was booked. For further information please contact the Family Service Team.

2.2. Non-Refundable Deposit
A non-refundable deposit of £50 is required to confirm your assessment booking. Please note that this deposit must be paid within two weeks of the booking; otherwise, the assessment will be cancelled. The deposit will be deducted from the total cost of the assessment.

2.3. Payment Plans
Payment plans are available at the discretion of bibic and can be offered for half-day, one-day, and two-day assessments. By setting up a payment plan payees agree to ensure payments are made as required for the duration of the plan/until their invoice is paid in full.

2.4. Cancellation Fees
Cancellations are subject to the following fees (in addition to the non-refundable deposit):
Assessment Cost Non-refundable deposit Admin charge Cancel 14 days prior Cancel 7 days prior On the day

AssessmentCostNon-refundable depositAdmin chargeCancel 14 days priorCancel 7 days priorOn the day
1/2 day£510£50£50£63£127£255
Post Diagnosis support£160Payment upfront £30£30£40£80
Post Service support£160Payment upfront £30£30£40£80
Consultation£65Payment upfront £30£30£30£30
Irlen £90Payment upfront £37.50£37.50£37.50£45
Irlen & TVPS£510Payment upfront£50£63£127£255
Irlen, Dyslexia & WRIT£510Payment upfront £50£63£127£255
Irlen, Dyslexia, WRIT & TVPS£625Payment upfront £50£78£156£312
JIAS Standardised with assessment£470Payment upfront £50No refundNo refundNo refund
JIAS Customised with assessment £680Payment upfront £50No refundNo refundNo refund
JIAS Standardised without assessment £680Payment upfront £50No refundNo refundNo refund
JIAS Customised without assessment £950Payment upfront £50No refundNo refundNo refund
*Cancellations made prior to 14 days will not incur a cancellation charge, but the deposit remains non-refundable.

2.5. Refunds post service
Refunds will only be given at the discretion of bibic, the amount of the refund will be assessed on a case by case basis and may only be partial. Refunds will only be processed via the original payment method.

2.6. Failed Payments through a GoCardless transaction
Any costs incurred by bibic due to failed payments may be forwarded to families.

2.6.a. Invoicing
An invoice will be issued at the time of booking an assessment, and payment is expected by the date indicated on the invoice. The total amount must be settled two months prior to the assessment date, unless otherwise specified and recorded in our database.

2.7. Military Discount
A 10% discount is available for military personnel. Proof of military employment or veteran status is required.

2.8. Grants and Fee Waivers
bibic does not apply for grants on behalf of families and cannot part-fund assessments for individuals over 25, those outside the UK, or referrals from third-party organisations due to our charitable funding criteria. Families can apply for a fee waiver from bibic (for individuals under 25) via the Fee Waiver Application Form which must be submitted with appropriate evidence of income/outgoings a minimum of 2 months prior to the assessment date. Fee waivers are not automatically approved, even if a family has previously received one for another assessment. The approval of fee waivers is contingent upon available funds raised and allocated in the fee waiver budget and is at the CEO’s discretion.

Assessment and Service Policies

3.1. Timings and Structure
Assessments will follow a structured timetable provided before the session. Timings may vary based on the needs of the child or family.

2 Day Assessment:
• Day 1: 9:15 arrival for a 9:30 start, history session, testing, and observation, Lunch will be around 12:30 and last one hour (this is not provided by bibic) approximately 15:30 finish.
• Day 2: Feedback and strategy sessions following similar timings.

1 Day Assessment
• 9:15 arrival for a 9:30 start, history session, testing, and observation, lunch will be around 12:30 and last one and a half hours (this is not provided by bibic) approximately between 15:30 and 16:30 finish.

Half Day Assessment
• 9:15 arrival for a 9:30 start, history session, proforma and discussion, break lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour, feedback and strategies, approximately 12:30 to 13:00 finish.
We kindly request that, whenever possible, you refrain from bringing additional siblings or family members to the assessment at our therapy centre. Our facilities are limited, and we are unable to supervise extra children. Additionally, the room can comfortably accommodate no more than two adults. There may be circumstances in which it is not suitable for your child to attend the second day. Please consult with your therapist to determine the best course of action for your family.

3.2. Parent/Carer Responsibility
Parents or carers must remain with the person being assessed, if they are under the age of 18, throughout the assessment. Parents/ carers are responsible for their children/young adult at all times. If you request to have time one to one with your therapist away from your child/ young person this will be evaluated by your therapist and is dependent on space within the therapy centre and availability of our assistant therapist.

There are trained first aiders on site at all times, and first aid kits are available in the centre, however if you/ your child/ young adult has a medical condition it is your responsibility to monitor this. It is also your responsibility to report to your therapist of any health conditions that may need medical assistance so appropriate care can be sought if needed.

Please be advised that the doors to the therapy building do not lock for fire safety reasons. If your child or young person is considered a flight risk, please inform the therapist assigned to you so that we can implement appropriate measures should they exit the building. It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to maintain awareness of their child or young person’s location at all times.
In order to proceed with the assessment, we require consent from one individual who holds parental responsibility for the child. For individuals aged 18 and over, the young adult’s consent is also necessary for the assessment to take place.

3.3. Non-Engagement of the individual
If an individual does not engage during the assessment, a refund will not be issued. However, advice for parents will still be provided.

3.4. Early Termination
If a family decides to conclude the assessment prematurely, please be aware that there will be no option for rebooking or refunds. Additionally, the full assessment may not be completed if there is insufficient time remaining due to the early conclusion. For details on the day’s structure, kindly refer to clause 3.1.

3.5. Home/School Assessments
For home assessments, a distraction-free environment is required. For school assessments, suitable spaces must be made available. Families may be expected to cover any travel costs for a therapist to attend a home or school assessment.

3.6. Assessment Rescheduling
Assessments may need to be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances, such as adverse weather, annual leave or staff illness. All efforts will be made to ensure the assessment is within four week period however, this may not always be possible.

3.7. Reports and therapy plans
Reports will be delivered within 4 to 6 weeks of the assessment; however, please be aware that unforeseen circumstances may extend this timeline. The reports will be sent to you as password-protected PDF documents. Please note that Word documents of the reports will not be available. Therapy plans and resources will be shared with you via email or on a memory stick. If you require paper copies of both the therapy plan and report, please feel free to request them.

3.8. Response Rates
The family service team will endeavour to respond to enquiries within 3 weeks of submission, but this may vary during busier periods. If we miss a call from you, wherever possible we will endeavour to get back in touch with you within 1 week, this is subject to change during busier periods.

3.9. Assessment Bookings
Assessments cannot be booked via email, a call with family services is always required. We are unable to hold dates for families.

3.10. Support Calls
We offer complimentary support calls for families to schedule between their initial enquiry and assessment date. Please note that these calls are optional. Unfortunately, if you miss your scheduled support call, we will not be able to reschedule it.

3.11. Diagnosis and Medication
bibic cannot provide any diagnosis, and we do not give advice on, prescribe or dispense medication.

3.12. Cancellation List
We do not have a cancellation list however; we may be able to offer sooner assessment dates as and when they become available subject to cancellations. We will not hold dates and work on a first come first serve basis.

3.13. Confidentiality and Documentation
Individuals over the age of 13 may be offered an opportunity to speak to the bibic therapist in private based on confidentiality if the person is considered to have the capacity regarding their own medical information. Parents/ carers and individuals hold the right to have access to copies of the test papers and reports that were carried out during the assessment, unless stated otherwise within a court order or the young adult has the capacity to deny access and can name another suitable adult.

3.14. Accessibility
We strive to make our therapy centre as accessible as possible to all families. Our premises include wheelchair access to the downstairs area and a disabled toilet located in the main office. However, we recognise that individual accessibility needs can vary, and we are committed to making reasonable accommodations wherever possible.
To ensure we can provide the best support, we kindly ask that you notify us of any specific accessibility requirements at the time of booking your assessment or as early as possible. This will allow us to make any necessary arrangements to ensure your visit is comfortable and stress-free.

3.15. Support and Advice Line (SAL)
The Support and Advice Line is intended for beneficiaries of bibic to address specific concerns they may have. Beneficiaries are welcome to utilise the Support and Advice Line up to five times within a year.

Please note that this line is not meant for general enquiries regarding our services. For general questions about our services and assessments, we encourage you to contact the Family Service Team. However, we can provide advice on specific issues, such as how to manage sensory meltdowns. Due to the nature of the Support and Advice Line, we are unable to offer broader advice as we do not have the opportunity to familiarise ourselves with each child or young person as we would during an assessment. If necessary, we will recommend a consultation for more in-depth, tailored support.

When reaching out to the Support and Advice Line, please limit your concerns to three per contact, and note that phone calls are capped at a maximum of 30 minutes. We can provide a maximum of three strategies in one contact. Access to the Support and Advice Line is open to all, not just those currently utilising our services. If you have undergone an assessment, please direct your questions to your assigned therapist; however, once you are outside the key working period, you are welcome to contact the Support and Advice Line.

Please be aware that any missed calls will not be returned. If you require a callback, kindly leave a voicemail indicating your concern.

Conduct and Safety

4.1. Nut-Free Zone
Families must notify bibic of any allergies in their party prior to their visit. bibic is a peanut and tree nut free zone and we request that families do not bring any nut products into the centre.

4.2. Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking and alcohol consumption are not permitted on bibic premises, smoking is permitted in designated areas. Please as your allocated therapist for designated smoking areas.

4.3. Behaviour
Abuse or inappropriate conduct toward staff or other families in the centre will not be tolerated in person, over the phone, or electronically and bibic reserves the right to withdraw services to anyone who’s behaviour is deemed abusive or inappropriate.

4.4. Photography and Videos
Families may not photograph or video other families or therapists without consent. Recording of the assessments is at the therapist’s discretion.

Key Working Policy

5.1. Scope of Key Working Services
• Attendance at EHCP/Tribunal meetings (if court-requested).
• EHCP form evidence.
• Attendance at TAC/TAF meetings.
• One school meeting.
• Option for feedback to a second parent.
• Up to 10 hours of support in one of the following formats:
• Parents/carers: Emails, phone calls, online calls e.g. teams/zoom calls, face to face meetings, admin.
• Young people (16+): support to implement strategies

5.2. Excluded Services
• EHCP/mediation (not court requested).
• Additional school/other professional meetings.
• Letters, Form filling (including DLA), summary letters.
• Feedback to additional family members.

Excluded services Allocated times Costing
EHCP/mediation (not court requested) 2 hours £130 plus travel
Letters, Form filling (including DLA), summary letters 30 minutes to 1.5 hours £65
Additional school or other professionals meetings 1 hour £30

Feedback to additional family members 1 hour (feedback) or
2 hours (feedback and plan) £65 per hour

5.3. Tracking and Limits
Therapists will record all key working time, including admin. When the 10-hour limit is approached, families will be signposted to additional services.

5.4. Parameters of Key Working
It is the responsibility of the parent to reach out to their therapist for support, as the therapist will not initiate contact with families or individuals unless requested. At the conclusion of the key working period, you will receive an email to reassess the goals established during the assessment and will be invited to complete a brief survey. Following the expiration of the key working period, any further support will need to be obtained through our additional services.

General Policies

6.1. Damages
Families are responsible for any damages to bibic premises, equipment, or toys made by them or their children/ young people.

6.2. Possessions
bibic is not responsible for personal possessions brought on-site. Any vehicles that are parked in the car park are done so at the owner’s risk.

6.3. Third-Party Information Sharing
Information will only be shared with third parties with written parental/carer consent.
For further information or clarification, please contact our team. Thank you for choosing bibic.