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Book recommendations for managing behaviour

Take a look at our bibic Therapists book recommendations for managing behaviour in children and young adults…

A Volcano in my Tummy

“A volcano in my tummy is a resource book containing activities to develop awareness of anger as well at strategies to manage it.”

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The Hidden Chimp

The Hidden Chimp is a book designed to teach children about their emotions and emphasises that the ‘chimp’ is out of control rather than placing the blame on the child themselves making it easier to understand and adjust behaviours.”

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Sitting Still Like a Frog

Sitting Still Like a Frog is a book and CD that teaches children mindfulness in a fun and child friendly manner.”

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Homunculi book

“The Homunculi book is designed specifically for children and young people with ASD or with emotional challenges, based on CBT, it focuses on the ‘homunculi’ investigating their human and trying to work out what is going on, building social and emotional resilience.”

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