Gifts in wills
bibic Wills Week
We are proudly announcing bibic Wills Week in association with our dedicated supporters, John Hodge Solicitors.
John Hodge have allocated us 12 wills. We Kindly suggest a donation of £250 with every will and all funds will go directly to bibic.
Why not take this opportunity to ensure your loved ones and assets are protected.
Why choose John Hodge Solicitors:
- You will receive professional advice from a reputable team, catering to your individual circumstances.
- A 100% legally binding Will.
- The choice of a face to face or online service offering peace of mind to both you and your loved ones.
- The satisfaction in knowing that your contribution to this service will go towards transforming more lives across the UK.
“Preparing a Will is the only way that you can ensure that your wishes are honoured in full after your death. John Hodge Solicitors are a leading firm of legal experts, based in the Southwest, who are proud to use our expertise to build strong client relationships, saving you time and money whilst offering clear and straightforward advice. At John Hodge Solicitors, we prioritise taking the time to listen and understand you, guiding you through your life’s significant milestones with our legal knowledge. Our clients rely on us for our legal skills, innovative thinking, and practical insights, all delivered in clear, jargon-free language.”
Please don’t underestimate the difference this will make.
Why choose bibic for your gift in will.
Because bibic is a small charity, just one small gift left to us in your will could make a huge impact on so many lives.
Did you know that you can leave a gift as small as 1% to bibic?
Leaving a gift in your Will is a fantastic way to make a transformative difference to children in the future and enable them to thrive.
“A gift in your Will, would leave something behind for families that need bibic to advise them how to look after and help a child with a learning difficulty or disability. To help them walk, talk, smile, laugh and cuddle their way to adulthood.”
Your Will is one of the most important things you’ll ever write as it ensures your family, friends and favourite causes receive what you want from your Estate. As life continues and changes it is also important to review your Will and make sure your wishes are updated.
Picture courtesy of Poppy Jakes
Why bibic needs gifts in wills
Sadly, disability is poorly funded in the UK. Consequently, less than 8% of disabled children receive a regular support service of any kind from their local authority *.
100% of families say that bibic provided the help, support and guidance they needed for their child. For that reason, you can be confident that bibic will use your donation to make the biggest impact**.
bibic receives no funding from the government to provide its life-changing service, therefore we have relied on public donations and gift in wills for over 50 years.
How to leave bibic a gift in your will
Whilst we always advise to see independent legal advice, below you will find wording to use if you do decide to leave a gift in your will to bibic.
Want to know more?
If you’d like to know more about making a gift in your will we would love to hear from you. Perhaps you’d like to visit bibic and see for yourself just how important your gift could be? Please get in touch and we can arrange a date.
Lauren Gray – Fundraising and Events Officer
01458 253344
Our gift in will promise
When you include a gift in your will to bibic:
• 100% of your gift will go towards transforming the lives of children and young adults
• We will answer questions honestly and quickly
• We won’t put you under pressure – this is a big decision so please decide in your own time
• You don’t have to tell us your decision – we respect your right to privacy
• We welcome you to visit us to see our services first-hand – just get in touch