Payroll giving
Did you know that you can Sponsor a UK Child through your employer’s Payroll Giving Scheme?
Payroll Giving is a tax-free way for you to Sponsor a UK Child. Your regular donations will help bibic’s children directly from your salary before tax is deducted. Therefore, if you donate £5 per month it will cost you £4, the rest is paid by the taxman!
Regular donations through Payroll Giving is easy and quick to set up and easy to stop.
Start making donations directly from your pay, it only takes a few seconds to fill out the form.
For more information please speak to your HR Team or call Carla Bloomfield at bibic on 01458 253344.
As soon as we receive notification we will send out your ‘Sponsor a UK Child’ welcome pack. You’ll even receive one of our special key rings as a thank you!
Are you an employer or an employee and want to know more? We are happy to help, just call Carla on 01458 253344 or drop her an email.