bibic lottery
Support a cause you care about and win up to £25,000 every week
Win up to £25,000 a week for just a £1 a week!

Sign up to our bibic Unity Lottery from just £1 a week!
The money you help to raise through the bibic Unity Lottery directly helps struggling children and their families live better lives.
For more than 50 years bibic has been helping children with disabilities and difficulties reach their potential, so that life at home and school is more functional, fun and rewarding.
We receive no government funding and make sure every penny makes a difference to the children and young adults who need our help like Mia (pictured).
Mia’s Mum wanted to send a personal note to bibic supporters…
“Mia has come a long way since we started the bibic therapy programme. When her seizures aren’t playing up she’s much more alert and can tackle lots of different things we challenge her with.
Her bibic programme has helped with her sitting unaided, her ability to play and even feeding herself! The best part is we are getting more smiles!
Mia now copes better when things touch her face, something she would not tolerate before.
At school Mia recently got star of the week for her alertness and
We will be forever grateful to you for helping my child. Thank you for supporting bibic, for making all this possible and for helping my girl smile again”

“I really like knowing that half of my lottery subscription goes directly to helping the children and their families at bibic.”
bibic supporter

It’s easy to sign up to our lottery and help change young lives forever.
How our bibic Unity Lottery works:
Remember, by playing our bibic Unity lottery you are directly helping children and young people with disabilities reach their potential for happier, more fulfilling lives.
Thank you for your support.

You can find out every Saturday’s lottery winning numbers by visiting www.unitylottery.co.uk
NOTE: Players must be age 18 or over.