Sponsor a bibic child

It’s the perfect way to make a lasting difference to families who need bibic’s help.
By sponsoring a child you will be helping make a great difference to a child now and into the future. The demand for bibic’s service is huge. Although you will receive updates on an individual child the money you donate will be used to help fund the service for every family that needs bibic.
You may sponsor a child for as long as you wish, there is no minimum period. As there are thousands of children needing bibic’s help we hope that you will want to remain a sponsor for some time. You can stop sponsorship at any time if you so wish.
Sponsorship starts at just £10 per month although you can give as much as you like, and sponsor as many children as you like, it all makes a huge difference.
We have four bibic children you can sponsor:
Meet Mia
“Mia has brain damage, cerebral palsy. I honestly cannot tell you what else the doctor said as I was a complete mess after the words ‘brain damaged’ were spoken. You just don’t think it will ever happen to you.
We were told by NHS specialists that the brain damage was so bad that Mia wouldn’t be able to do much at all. We were completely devastated.
It took me a while to get my head around what the future would now hold, to grieve for the child I thought I was going to have and the things she would miss out on”.
– Mia’s Mum
Learn more about Mia
You can join the Sponsor a bibic Child scheme today and be part of Mia’s life-changing journey

Meet Freddie
“Sat at a table with six specialists looking at us sympathetically. The report and findings were read out. The only words that filtered through were ‘Your son has Autism and severe difficulties with communication. He will need to be cared for forever.’
Freddie was four when we took him to bibic for the first time. It was the most important thing we have ever done, both for him and for us as a family.”
– Freddie’s mum
Learn more about Freddie
Your regular donations will give Freddie’s mum her biggest wish for Freddie be able to communicate and play with his brother.
Meet Eva
“Initially learning of Eva’s difficulties was hard, we as a family had researched and tried to learn as much as we could about what we could expect for Eva. There have been many tears shed and lots of laughter as Eva is such a fun-loving little girl who lights up our lives and we wouldn’t change her in anyway. However, there are times when we look at her and feel so much of her pain and stress when she cannot communicate to us or explain why she is upset or doesn’t understand.
We knew that this would mean we would advocate for Eva for most of her life and learn how to parent in a completely different way. Eva being our first child we knew no different, but that didn’t stop the anxiety and stress we felt when trying to know the best things to do for Eva in various scenarios”.
– Eva’s mum
Learn more about Eva
Your regular donations will help Eva achieve her full potential.

Meet Gryff
Gryff’s Mum had concerns regarding his academic ability, memory, auditory processing and behaviour. They met with bibic Therapy Manager, Chelsey, for a developmental assessment and their bibic journey began.
“His main difficulties are to do with his behaviour. He struggles with sensory overload especially when we go out in public where it is busy or louder than he can cope with. He easily becomes over excitable and hard to control which leads to him becoming very frustrated and aggressive as he does not know how to cope with the situation”.
– Gryff’s mum
Learn more about Gryff
Make a positive impact on Gryff’s life now which could last a lifetime.
What you will receive…
- Updates of the sponsored child receiving bibic’s help with photo’s.
- The knowledge that you are helping to make a difference to children’s lives.
- Regular updates showing how your donations are making a difference.
- Invitations to a wide range of bibic events involving families we support.
Make a donation
Every donation makes a huge difference to bibic families